Bio-One 250ml



  • Contains nutrient stabilising bacteria and fungi
  • Protect your plant from pathogens and disease
  • Protect plants from stress and nutrient imbalances


1 in stock


Bio Diesel – Bio-One organic microbial inoculant contains a blend of beneficial plant and ocean ferments that inoculates your plant root zone with diverse, salt tolerant beneficial microbes and is suitable for living soils, coco fibre, and hydroponics. pH stable and low ppm.

This produces an enhanced Microbiome which speeds up nutrient cycling and signalling while also protecting your plant from pathogens and disease.

Bio stimulants contain beneficial microorganisms that improve soil conditions. These could include beneficial bacteria and fungi, microbes from liquid manure composting, seaweed extracts, or humic and fulvic acids.

Bio-One organic inoculant promotes a nutrient stabilising bacteria and fungi which increases update and bioavailability of minerals protecting your plant from pathogens and disease.
Enzymes breakdown any organic matter and bio films which creates a larger root zone and further protects the plant from stress and nutrient imbalances.

Bio Diesel is an Australian hydroponic nutrient range specialising in high performing nutrients derived from natural and organic sources.

o Contains a blend of plant and ocean ferments
o Compatible with Living soils, Hydro & Coco Systems
o Produces an enhanced Microbiome which speeds up nutrient
o Promotes a nutrient stabilising bacteria and fungi
o Bio Diesel is an Australian hydroponic nutrient range

Additional information

Weight 0.00 kg
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm


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